Carrie Herthwell
Author of GeneEarth Novels
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my website!
I’m Carrie Herthwell and my greatest hope is to captivate readers with my dystopian fiction and offer readers an amazing experience. Here you can get the inside scoop on the GeneEarth novels and my upcoming book releases. My debut novel, Don’t Let Chacha Die, is available on Amazon and Kobo!
You can also check out my blog! I reflect on my journey as a writer, examine a variety of predicaments fiction writers encounter, and offer writing advice.
Don’t Let Chacha Die Now Available to Buy!
Do you like to read novels with a little of everything? Do you like books with a unique world, exciting action and lovable characters? Give this queer dystopia a chance and you won’t be disappointed!
What ingredients need to come together to create amazing fiction? Six different flavors and that something more.